HOME > COMPANY > History
2000. 10
Establised MIRAE TRADING Co.
HOME > COMPANY > History
Establised MIRAE TRADING Co.
Acquisition of a manufacturer license of medical devices from the KFDA
movement of main company and factory
(Gwangju → seongnam industrial complex)
Manufacture registration of seongnam industrial complex
Acquisition KGMP (the Korean Good Manufacturing Practice)
-Korea Electric Testing Institute-
Changed the Corporate Name to MIRAE MEDICS Co.
CO2 Insufflator KFDA certification for CT
Barium injector KFDA certification
CO2 Insufflator patent applications for CT
CO2 Insufflator patent for endoscopy
CO2 Insufflator KFDA certification for endoscopy
Irrigation Pump KFDA certification